dA fAmiLy.. hEhE.. wEr hApi rYt whEn wE aRe cOmpLetE.. cOmpLetE oF hAviNg a cOmpLetE pArEnTz.. cOnsiSt oF fAthEr.. mOthEr.. siStErS aNd bRoThErS..
In oUr fAmiLy.. aLL of uS hAvE a misSiOn.. wAt miSsiOn? a miSsiOn iS a spEciAl aSsigNmEnt thAT wAs givEn tO uS.. aLL oF uS iN diS wOrLd wAs givEn a miSsiOn bY gOd.. aNd wE hAvE diFfErEnt miSsiOn.. fOr mE.. mY miSsiOn iS tO stUdY hArD sO dAt i wiLL wOrk fOr my pArEnTz.. aNd diScOvEr dA wOrLd.. hEhE..
tHiS iS sOme dEfiNitiOn oF wAT iS a fAmiLy..
- a sOciAl uNit LiViNg tOgEthEr
- pRimAry sOciAL gRoUp
- pEopLe dEscEndEd frOm a cOmmOn aNcEstOr
- aN aSsOciAtiOn oF pEopLe wHo shArE cOmmOn bELiEfS Or aCtiVitiEs
a shOrt pOem frOm aLL fAmiLiEs oUt dEr..
No one is ever born into Life alone.
Everyone has shared the bond of family,
at least at birth, and for many people
it is a bond that will follow them throughout life.
For many people it is the most important bond of all.
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